Ny dag passerar
Ny dag har passerat det har varit trögt om ämnen. Lite snabb topics vad som har hänt;
Nord Ireland , partierna har gått med på att sammarbete och det bådar gott med att konflikten kan börja mot sitt slut.
Riksdagspartierna försöker fortvarande sätta demokratisk valda Sverigedemokraterna ur spel.
Slut på det relevanta....
Idag så hade tydligen Elin stängt av min väckarklocka så jag försov mig och till slut sjukanmälde mig, visste det kändes lite dåligt att göra det. Och jävligt taskigt mot Alex, vilket som inte är bra men jag ska ha en vit vecka nästa vecka.
Robin lämnade mig denna helg igen vilket var lite elakt, men Danne var kvar och det var skönt. Vi kollade på film och spelade lite CS, det var ganska skoj han börjar lära sig lite nu.
Samtal med Liam
"Yeah the bible is fake but its writing of men for men, so I think its more guidelines how to live.. But i also think that the myth s and the "facts" that the bible and stuff like that is based on can be true but of corse they are so mutch worse in the bible then it was.."
"the bible was made to answer questions that they didnt know the answers to"
"ah but they didint have so mutch wisedom, so they answered them in their way but today we can see its different or can be different"
"they just made up answers with the little knowledge they had, so i think its quite stupid for people to follow the word of the Bible, you can use it as inspiration, and hope and belif. But to live your life by a book which was written by fools thousands of years ago is pointless"
"i belive in Evil - people are Evil, whos fault that is Gods or the Devils im, but either way Gods loosing isnt he
"in a way yes.."
"theres about 98% of this world which is just pure shit and Evil, if thats the work of the devil then God is failing us. If its the work of God then - hes failing us again"

Nord Ireland , partierna har gått med på att sammarbete och det bådar gott med att konflikten kan börja mot sitt slut.
Riksdagspartierna försöker fortvarande sätta demokratisk valda Sverigedemokraterna ur spel.
Slut på det relevanta....
Idag så hade tydligen Elin stängt av min väckarklocka så jag försov mig och till slut sjukanmälde mig, visste det kändes lite dåligt att göra det. Och jävligt taskigt mot Alex, vilket som inte är bra men jag ska ha en vit vecka nästa vecka.
Robin lämnade mig denna helg igen vilket var lite elakt, men Danne var kvar och det var skönt. Vi kollade på film och spelade lite CS, det var ganska skoj han börjar lära sig lite nu.
Samtal med Liam
"Yeah the bible is fake but its writing of men for men, so I think its more guidelines how to live.. But i also think that the myth s and the "facts" that the bible and stuff like that is based on can be true but of corse they are so mutch worse in the bible then it was.."
"the bible was made to answer questions that they didnt know the answers to"
"ah but they didint have so mutch wisedom, so they answered them in their way but today we can see its different or can be different"
"they just made up answers with the little knowledge they had, so i think its quite stupid for people to follow the word of the Bible, you can use it as inspiration, and hope and belif. But to live your life by a book which was written by fools thousands of years ago is pointless"
"i belive in Evil - people are Evil, whos fault that is Gods or the Devils im, but either way Gods loosing isnt he
"in a way yes.."
"theres about 98% of this world which is just pure shit and Evil, if thats the work of the devil then God is failing us. If its the work of God then - hes failing us again"
